A/R Invoice Approval Distinction
in progress
Noah Raine
invoices that don't need POs sitting in "approved" section can get mixed with other invoices that need "full approval" (I.E. invoices that need POs or WOs or SES's.
Feature Idea:
Add: "Edit Job Feature"
within --> A/R --> Invoice Tables --> approvals --> details page --> details section
Something like this. editing a job description from the approved invoices section will allow a much faster process in finalizing invoices.
So regarding that “a/r invoice distinction”
I think I may have an idea… is there any info to the actual “approver” when someone approves an invoice?
For example:
- Allseas agent goes in and approves an invoice
- Francis goes in and approves an invoice
Is there info other than the name to distinguish between these two? Like is there an email attached to the name or is there a number assigned to the name on the backend?
I say this because what if:
someone outside the company approves an invoice —> that invoice changes to “outside approved” or something.
then there could be “approved” and “outside approved”
Because… when someone outside the company approves the invoice (like allseas)… it gets mixed with invoices we approve..
This is a problem because when outside parties approve it, they still need put the PO file in the job for it to be complete. They don’t do it themselves, they email us the PO and we drop it in the files section.
So essentially, some approved invoices aren’t actually completed yet since not all the info is there
From Austin: "Yeah totally! Theres identifiers we can pull - everyone in Allseas is considered a "GUEST" member of the organization. I'm not sure if we want to blanket any rules over that identifier though... Because in theory you could have guest members within your own org."
Taylor Wise
Hey guys quick update -
We've started work on adding the "approver" name to the invoice table. That's going through internal review.
That means what's left on this request is the ability to edit Job Details from the invoice table.
Noah Raine
Taylor Wise: sounds great!
Taylor Wise
in progress
Taylor Wise
Ah okay, so the root issue here is that your "Approved" status no longer serves as a nice "to-do" list of all invoices that are ready to be finalized.
When Allseas approves their invoices, they AREN'T ready to be finalized.
When y'all internally approve invoice for other clients, the invoices ARE ready to be finalized.
But, in both cases the invoices share the "APPROVED" status
You're looking for a solution to distinguish those Allseas invoices until they are actually ready to be finalized.
Taylor Wise
Mark Dupuis Tagging you in here - see my above comment. I'm wondering if this could be solved by changing the workflow somehow. Does this inherently need a software fix? How were we doing this before in Base 2?
Mark Dupuis
Taylor Wise: from accounting or operations there does not need to be a distinction - regardless if there is an additional step to complete the filing - we as ops are only approving because not all clients have access to their portal.
I agree the Accounting needs the ability on their side to be able to update the Job details, and upload a file to the job from their screen.
Mark Dupuis
Mark Dupuis
or have it nested in there under the drop down as update job details and regenerate header on invoice
Taylor Wise
Mark Dupuis: Good stuff! Thanks for putting together those visuals.
Noah Raine any preference on those two? From a development standpoint, it would be easier to make a separate form.
Will that solve y'alls issue?
Mark Dupuis
Taylor Wise:
Noah Raine
Mark Dupuis: Definitely agree with everything you have been saying.
"APPROVED" status does not need distinction.
We just need a column in the approved section displaying the "approver" (per mark's image above).
Noah Raine
Taylor Wise: I think the separate form would be best.
Noah Raine
Mark Dupuis: I think this method to allow edits in the job would be best. add a field above the "approval" --> titled "edit" --> which could open a module allowing me to drop the PO file and edit the Job description for finalization.